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Libro de artista realizado por Camila Botero, Julieta Maria, Aniara Rodado y Gabriel Zea en colaboración con Zemo, Denny “Elang Jaya”, Ivan, Yandi, Adirindra Nata, Gustaff H. Isakandar y Paolo Vignolo. Se elaboró durante Estarter 3 en Common Room en Indonesia.

Artist book produced by with Camila Botero, Julieta María, Aniara Rodado and Gabriel Zea in collaboration with Zemo, Denny “Elang Jaya”, Ivan, Yandi, Adirindra Nata, Gustaff H. Isakandar and Paolo Vignolo. It was designed and printed during the residency Estarter 3 in Common Room in Indonesia.