artes / artworks
Máquina de la memoria

Máquina de la memoria (2015) es una instalación producida para celebrar el primer año del fallecimiento de Gabo, a partir de mensajes enviados via Twitter a la Biblioteca Nacional buscando crear una version contemporánea de la Máquina de la memoria de Cien Años de Soledad. Es un diccionario visual producido por palabras y definiciones enviadas por Internet, ensambladas en una página de papel tamaño carta con una imagen producida tras descargar y procesar fotografías de Instagram categorizadas con la palabra enviada
Máquina de la Memoria (Memory Machine - 2015) is an installation that tries to build a visual dictionary by participations sent via Twiter in the form of term and definition. In this compendium of words, meaning and images do not apply the editorial criteria that standardize the encyclopedic knowledge, here every participation is welcome and exhibited in the room. An image is attached to each word, it is phantasmagoric and evokes different meanings of the word and its definition. A software entity is in charge of creating the images; the process starts by querying Instagram to download pictures associated with the term, followed by a procedure in which the color of the images is mixed by averaging the color in them. When the process is complete, the entry is printed out and place it on the walls of the room.