artes / artworks


Objetos interactivos que reaccionan a la presencia del espectador vibrando y haciendo sonar sus cascabeles. Están inspirados en un pasaje de Cien Años de Soledad en el cual Macondo empieza a olvidar por causa del insomnio. Esta pieza hizo parte de la exposición de la Biblioteca Nacional para celebrar el primer aniversario del fallecimiento de Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Durmientes (sleepers) are a set of interactive objects that react to the presence of the spectator by vibrating to make its sleigh bells ring. A passage from One Hundred Years of Solitude inspired the piece. When the inhabitants of Macondo lost their capacity to sleep, they also lost their memories; thus sleigh bells are the mark that visitors wear to be differentiated from the locals in the town. This piece was commissioned by the National Library of Colombia for the exhibition Un espejo del mundo (A Mirror of the World).